Meet Donna

YOUR professional dog trainer

My Mission

My goal is to enhance and cultivate the relationship between each dog and their humans. This entails not only teaching dogs the skills to thrive in our world, but also empowering owners with the knowledge and skills to train the own dogs. Clients that work with me achieve a better understanding of their dog as an individual so they can effectively communicate and enjoy each other’s company for years to come.


My Qualifications

While I have always been an animal lover, my love of language and learning is what drove me to become a professional dog trainer. After graduating from New York University as a linguistics major, I completed a Master of Education in Developmental Studies at Boston University while working full-time in the field of higher education. My scholarly pursuits in language acquisition and learning theory prepared me well for the 6-month Karen Pryor Academy Dog Trainer Professional Program which took my training skills to a new level. As a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner, I have worked with multiple species and was evaluated in-person on both the efficiency of my training and my effectiveness as an instructor. Simultaneously, I also completed well over 300 hours of hands-on experience working with clients and took a 180-question exam covering ethology, learning theory, technique, and instruction to become a Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA). Both of these certifications require continuing education and recertification, which requires me to stay current on any developments in the industry. You can feel confident that both you AND your dog are in well-informed and compassionate hands.


My Passion

If I am not working with your dog, I am working with my own. I knew it was time to make a career change when my nightstand was full of dog training books and all of my vacation time was being used for dog training seminars and dog sport competitions. Unlike most dog trainers, I did not grow up with dogs and when I finally brought home my first dog as an adult, it was nothing I expected it to be. We struggled with reactivity issues while living in the bustle of Boston so I know firsthand how isolating and frustrating dog ownership can be. It wasn’t until we attended our first nose work class that I felt like I truly saw my dog for the first time. Instead of being in constant conflict, we started having conversations and working as a team. Before long we were training and competing in Rally Obedience, Barn Hunt, Disc, Agility, and Flyball. My reactive dog that previously couldn’t handle passing one dog on the street was now able to compete at the North American Flyball Association Championships in Indianapolis with hundreds of high energy dogs running around her. Participating in dog sports fuels my work with clients and challenges me to become a more effective trainer every single day. I believe every dog lover deserves to feel the absolute joy that comes from achieving something together alongside the best teammate in the world, their dog!

Ready to see your dog from a new point of view?


Our Furry Staff



Chief Snack Officer

Although semi-retired, Hershey takes her role as the Chief Snack Officer very seriously and can assure you that we only use the highest quality treats in our training program. In her prime Hershey excelled in Barn Hunt and Rally Obedience, but now enjoys a comfortable couch and a light 8-hour nap. She taught Donna everything she knows about dog body language and dog-dog reactivity. Her accomplishments in sports are a testament that reactive dogs can still learn new tricks!



Head of Puplick Relations

As the Goodest Boy on staff, Keebler is here to ensure that your pup has the best adult role model possible. He has been an invaluable member of the Viewpoint Dog Training team, working as a neutral dog for severe dog-dog reactivity cases as well as helping puppies learn safe and appropriate boundaries with adult dogs. When he is not hard at work, he is being a total mama’s boy or playing with his absolute favorite thing in the world: the B-A-L-L.



Head of Party Planning Committee

You’ll never have to worry about your puppy getting enough playtime in Puppy Prep School with this girl around! Poutine is a young female Border Collie who loves all kind of play (chase, wrestle, bitey face games) and has the endurance of an Olympic athlete. When she is not playing with your pups, she is a force to be reckoned with at competitions or meeting her admirers at the local brewery. She trains and competes in flyball, disc, dock diving, agility, and competitive obedience and thinks all of you should too!